
A Blogger

2009. október 27., kedd

A Furcsa pár ( BobDylan and Paul Simon)

Ady Endre, Magyar Napló

"Polgárosodni fog a pápua is. Egy fajtát akkor is meg fog kímélni a túlpolgárosodott társadalom. A múvészfajtát.Ezt meghagyja -nomádnak. Mert ez a fajta az ő lelkiismerete. Örök hirdetője a társadalmi s egyre társadalmibb ember elérhetetlen, bels örök vágyának, a társadalomtalanságnak " Ady Endre

Ebben a szellemben önösszámúzetésben folytatták egyesek művészetüket, mint pl. Dylan. És egy ritkaság Paul Simon együtt.

Easy Rider

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2009. október 26., hétfő

McGhee and Terry duo

Eal success came after he moved to New York in 1942, when he teamed up with Sonny Terry, whom he had known since 1939 when Sonny was Blind Boy Fuller's harmonica player. The pairing was an overnight success; as well as recording, they toured together until around 1980. As a duo, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee did most of their work from 1958 until 1980, spending eleven months of each year touring, and recording dozens of albums.

Despite their later fame as "pure" folk artists playing for white audiences, in the 1940s Terry and McGhee also attempted to be successful black recording performers, fronting a jump bluescombo with honking saxophone and rolling piano, variously calling themselves "Brownie McGhee and his Jook House Rockers" or "Sonny Terry and his Buckshot Five," often with Champion Jack Dupree and Big Chief Ellis. They also appeared in the original Broadway productions of Finian's Rainbow and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

During the blues revival of the 1960s, Terry and McGhee were very popular on the concert and music festival circuits, occasionally adding new material but usually remaining faithful to their roots and their audience. With Sonny Terry, he appeared in the 1979 Steve Martin comedy The Jerk. In 1987, McGhee gave a small but memorable performance as ill-fated blues singer Toots Sweet in the supernatural thriller movie, Angel Heart.

Happy Traum, a former guitar student of Brownie's, edited a blues guitar instruction guide and songbook for him. Using a tape recorder, Traum had McGhee instruct and, between lessons, talk about his life and the blues. Guitar Styles of Brownie McGhee was published in New York in 1971. The autobiographical section features Brownie talking about growing up, his musical beginnings, and a history of the early blues period (1930s onward).

One of McGhee's final concert appearances was at the 1995 Chicago Blues Festival.[1]

McGhee died from stomach cancer in February 1996 in California at age 80: he missed his planned return trip to Australia.[3]